Invitation to the Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Territorial Economic Development
May 18-19, 2015, Quito - Ecuador


On May 18-19, 2015, the City of Quito (Ecuador) will host the Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Territorial Economic Development: its strategic dimension in social, economic and environmental areas and linkage to Academic institutions.

The event is open to all development actors that wish to share their experiences and participate in the reflection to evaluate Local Economic Development as a tool for addressing Post-2015 Development Agenda challenges at the local level.

Following the success of the last edition of the World Forum on Local Economic Development (LED) , celebrated in October 2013 in Foz de Iguazu (Brazil), and in preparation to the next edition of the event, to be hosted by the City of Turin (Italy) in October 2015, a Regional Forum on Territorial Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean will be celebrated in Quito (Ecuador) on May 18-19, 2015. The Forum is organized by the National Secretariat of Planning and Development of Ecuador (SENPLADES), the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Ecuador (SENESCYT),  the Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE), the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The objective of the “Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Territorial Economic Development: its strategic dimension in social, economic and environmental areas and linkage to Academic institutions" is to facilitate the dialogue and exchanges on LED between local, national and international actors, with regards to the challenges to be addressed in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Regional Forum on Territorial Economic Development will aim at generating a common position on LED methodological practices, and to foster alliances for greater impact on Latin American and Caribbean development agenda. The Forum will strive to form a common regional vision and positioning on key issues, and experiences in the Latin American and Caribbean region to be shared during the Turin’s World Forum on LED, which will take place from the 13th to the 16th October 2015.

In particular, five cross-cutting themes will be addressed during the event: i) Innovation: an approach for inclusive growth and territorial competitiveness; ii) Regional Competitiveness, productive clusters, regional value chains and their impact on the LED; iii) The Urban-Rural linkage: the role of territory in the process of urbanization, peripheral-urbanization and regional conurbation; iv) Local Economic Development Agencies: Effective LED tools; and v) Decentralization, deconcentration of competencies from the Central Government to the territory and multilevel articulation.

International development actors, including territorial cooperation partners and European development stakeholders are cordially invited to participate in the event and join its process. In the Regional Forum, a wide range of stakeholders, including local, regional and national governments, representatives of multilateral organizations, academia, and institutions of international cooperation are expected to participate and share their experiences on LED. The Forum will provide a platform for reflection to evaluate LED as a tool for implementing the future Sustainable Development Goals at local level.



We would be most pleased to count with your participation in this event. To register, kindly send an email to For further information, please contact Luana Natali, UNDP ART Brussels

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